Shared Printers

You can print to the printers located at Study Room(CIS), Seminar Room(CIS,5IS) frby using the shared computers we provide on campus.

  • The following users can use the Shared Printers.

    User Category Availability Note account Each student receives an allocation of printing. Refer to Limits on Printing.
    Doctoral Programs △(○*Need to apply) Each student receives an allocation of printing. Refer to Limits on Printing.
    Master’s Programs △(○*Need to apply) *No Application Needed to Master’s Program of Mechanophysics / Master’s Program of Mechanodesign
    Undergraduate Programs Each student receives an allocation of printing. Refer to Limits on Printing.
    Other than the above △(○*Need to apply) Each student receives an allocation of printing. Refer to Limits on Printing.
  • How to apply

    Fill out and hand in the application form for additional printing points.