Due to maintenance work for the Shibboleth Authentication System, the services listed below will be unavailable at the following dates and times.
November 18th 17:00 – 18:00
During the maintenance, you cannot log in to the following services that use Shibboleth Authentication System.
【Systems provided by CIS】
- Authentication portal
- Webmail (You can send and receive via your email client, such as thunderbird.)
- VPN Browser(Cisco ASAv, Fortigate)
- Wireless Network(KITnetX, KITnetW)
- KIT Moodle System
- Contents Management System(Confluence)
- File sharing and storage system(Next Cloud)(The data already shared is available/accessible.)
【Systems provided by Administration Office】
- Student Information Portal
- Portfolio System
- Web Grade Browsing System
- Financial Accounting System
- Self-Check and Evaluation Database
- Employee Management System
- Asset Management System
【Other services】
- Gakunin Services
- Webex
- Office365 (Installed Office 365 apps is available.)
- Cloud business card management service
Thank you for your cooperation.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact us.
E-mail: hellocis.kit.ac.jp